The website (hereafter « Site ») is edited by the Lugassy Design company, whose headquarters are located at: 39 avenue du jardin exotique 98000 Monaco, registered in the French trade register under the number 50078987000044, and identified by the intra-Community VAT number.
For any information or advice, the company can be contacted:
The manager of publication of this website is Mr. David Lugassy in capacity as General Manager of Couleurs du Sud.
The website is hosted by, located at 25 Eugène-Marziano
1227 Les Acaciaset, Geneva, Switzerland and reachable at this number: +41 22 820 35 44.
The use of this website by any person, hereafter the « users », whatever may be the object of their visit, is governed by the following terms of use. Their objective is to define the conditions of access, navigation and use of the site. By accessing and visiting the website, the users recognize the acknowledgment of these terms of use and fully accepting them without reserve.
Lugassy Design may adapt or modify at any moment and without warning the terms of use, by publishing a new version on the website. The applicable terms of use at those in effect at the date in which the website is accessed. If any of the terms of use’s clauses is annulled or deemed irrelevant by a competent court, the others remain valid.
This website presents products and services offered by Lugassy Design. It does not allow online sales. The list of selling points of Lugassy design products are on the website.
The products presented on the site comply with the implemented regulation. The main characteristics (dimensions, types of products…) are all mentioned. The photos on the website have no contractual value.
Lugassy Design and, more generally, any company contributing to the conception, production and putting the website online ensure the accuracy and regular update of the information displayed on the website. With regards to the number of criteria impacting the price (size, fabric…), Lugassy Design can’t guarantee the accuracy of all information mentioned on the website. Only the information communicated in the stores have contractual values. Lugassy Design may proceed to ameliorations and/or changes to the products and services described in the website at any moment. Thus, Lugassy Design can correct and edit at any moment the website’s contents, without being held responsible for any misunderstanding.
Every user guarantees the authenticity, accuracy and relevance of the information he provides. He also pledges to comply with the concerned laws and regulations.
Lugassy Design can deny access to the website to any user who does not respect the terms of use or infringes the content, the website’s image and/or Lugassy design. This can take place without prejudice to damages which may be sought.
The website may contain hyperlinks redirecting to other sites or internet sources. Lugassy Design does not control these sites and external sources, therefore it cannot be held responsible for accessing contents, advertisements, products, services or any other information presented to them.
Moreover, any hyperlink creation toward the site must be previously authorized by Lugassy Design, which can be obtained via the contact page of the website.
In addition, Lugassy Design cannot be held responsible of the content of the websites using hyperlinks to the site.
The website and all its elements (brands, logos, drawings and models, texts, photos…), including the necessary software to run the website as well as databases, are the exclusive property of Lugassy Design.
Any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation, or any use of the site and its contents, whether partial or total, is prohibited, except with a prior written authorization from Lugassy Design. Any infraction will be seen as a piracy and/or unlawful competition, exposing their author to civil and/or penal sanctions.
When using the website, the users may be asked to communicate certain personal data: full name, e-mail address, postal address, phone number… (Hereafter the “Data”), by filling the newsletter and contact forms and by consenting to accept these terms with the buttons provided for this purpose.
According to the law n°2018-493 of June 20th, 2018 related to the protection of personal data of physical persons, which modifies the law n° 78-17 of January 6th, 1978 related to information technology, files and liberties of January 6th, 1978 to take into account the provisions of the EU regulation n° 2016/679 of the European parliament and council related to the protection of personal data and the free flow of these data and annul the directive 95/46 CE of April 27th, 2016, every user disposes of the right to remove at any given time his consent to the processing of his data, as well as the right to access, modify, delete, limit the processing, portability and opposition for his data.
The users are informed that, while they visit the website, a connection witness or « cookie » may be automatically installed on the hard drive of their computer.
Cookies are data used by a web server to send status information to the browser of a user, and send status information to the original web server. The status information concern the navigation of users on the website, such as the pages seen, the user’s path in the website, the date and time of the consultation, the duration of the visit, session IDs, language…
These cookies can be read Lugassy Design and use them to recognize the navigation system of the users, establish frequentation statistics, and for commercial prospection.
The user scan exercise their rights for personal data, connection data and cookies by sending Lugassy Design a postal mail or e-mail at the following addresses:
41 boulevard du jardin exotique 98000 Monaco
The users of the website recognize disposing of the competence and means necessary to access the website and use it. Particularly, the materials and software used to access the internet and the website are the sole responsibility of the users.
The access to the website of Lugassy Design is free. Therefore, Lugassy Design declines all responsibility in case of interruption of the website, bugs, display errors or download as well as all damages resulting from the intrusion of a fraudulent third party.
The users access the website under their own responsibility. In particular, the responsibility of Lugassy Design cannot be engaged for all inconvenient or damages linked to the use of the network and internet, particularly a loss of data, a service discontinuation, an external intrusion or the presence of viruses.
Any complaint related to the website must be sent by e-mail to this address: Lugassy Design will reply in the shortest time.
The terms of use are governed by the French law.
Any litigation related these terms of use and, more generally, to the use of the site will be submitted to the exclusive competence of French courts, notwithstanding plurality of defendants or warranty claim.